Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How can I creatively commemorate the life of my beloved pet?

Anyone who has ever had a beloved pet pass away knows the pain of such a loss, and sometimes we just don't know what we could possibly do to commemorate that celebrated animal friend we so dearly treasured. A pet's love is unconditional, and if you ask me, that's the best kind of love to have in this world. It's what really makes the world go round.
The way you memorialize your pets life can be as unique and meaningful as the pet you have known and loved his/herself. So, whether you bury or cremate, consider a decorative cremation urn for your pet. Hold the ashes in a ceremonial memorial vessel. Go for something extraordinary. Look in the right places and you will surely find cremation urn distributors producing unique Cremation urns, and be sure that you will find something perfect among the one of a kind works of art, which truly celebrate and honor the qualities of the individual spirit. Unique pet urns can be a reassuring, pleasant way to remember your dog or cat, especially when they are hand crafted with love by artisans who truly put great purpose and meaning into their work. These funeral urns are works of art as well, sitting beautifully and significantly on your mantle or altar. Discount cremation urns can also be tracked down through reliable cremation urn distributors.
And if you chose to bury, perhaps you would be interested in a burial urn for your pet. When my beloved family cat Fala died, I was searching for info on where I can buy urns
and I found a fabulous art urn among a fabulous selection of cat burial urns. But we didn't stop there, we worked with the artisans at a company called Shine On Brightly to make careful selections of the beautiful textiles, colors, and patterns, and even sent in a photo for a customized art quilt to hang above Fala's altar which holds a beautiful glass funeral urn
surrounded by candles, flowers and his favorite cat nip toys. Fala was a fat black and grey tabby cat, with large green eyes and the cutest toothy smile. Some people mislabeled him as surly, but I believe he just had emotional issues, which he struggled with his whole long life. Sometimes he just needed space. We let him go outside alot, where he got his aggression out by catching rodents and birds and leaving them lovingly at our door step as an offering.
When he died at the ripe old age of 17, we had to choose between ceramic, glass, and wooden urns, which were all clearly designed with love by artists who understand my cat's important role in my life and my refusal to forget Fala and move on as if nothing had happened. Finally somebody can support me in my attachment to my deceased feline friend. His artfully glazed and inscribed pet urn bears testament to Fala's happy place in cat heaven, where I'm sure he is happily curled in the everloving lap of the lord and sipping milk, rolling periodically in fields of catnip and frolicking in fields full of mice with all his fuzzy and content kitty friends. It makes me smile just to think. So come on now, make the impermanent permanent with a spectacular pet urn.

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